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Creating content style guides



I've created content style guides for Nationwide and Kaluza.


The problem 

​Not having a content style guide – or a very good one – often leads to content that is inconsistent and off-brand.  

And without a singular, comprehensive guide, writers often waste time checking with colleagues what the rules are. 

  • At Nationwide, they had various style guides, but they weren't comprehensive. And the guidance was scattered across several places 😔

  • Kaluza – there was no style guide at all 😖  

My approach

Here's how I approach creating a style guide: 

  1. Build on the existing style guide ... if there is one.

  2. Turn the style guide into a living document. It's a good idea to host it using collaborative software, like Google Docs.
    (A published web page is often too restrictive. And presentation decks are too clunky.)


  3. Be comprehensive. But don't make the the guide too long – you don't want to put people off, or make rules hard to find.  

  4. Explain the rule in full, and include any variations on the rule.

  5. Include examples of both how to write using the rule, and how not to write it.

  6. Include justifications for the rule – research evidence, best practice, brand decisions.

  7. Don't just include grammar rules – punctuation, styling (bold, italics, etc.) and visual design are part of style too. 

  8. Set up a process for adding points to the style guide. Meet regularly with marketing and writing folk to decide new style points, and review existing ones.

  9. Include useful links – for example, to the brand tone of voice guidance guidelines.  



Numbers are a common source of inconsistency.

Research has shown that that numbers written as numerals are more accessible than those written as words. So the rule is: 

Like this: 5 options

Not like this: Five options

Here's the full rule for writing numbers at Nationwide:

Screen Shot 2022-02-02 at 16.41.01.png


Having a kick-ass style guide had these outcomes:

  1. Better process for managing and updating writing styles. 

  2. Saves time – no need to constantly answer questions about rules (this was common at Nationwide). 

  3. Improves brand image through consistency. 

More resources


For a more in-depth view, check out the style guide I did for Nationwide Building Society.

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